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Our Sick Policy
For the safety of all the children and staff, we do not permit children who have had a fever in the last 24 hours to be in child care. If child has vomitting or diarrea in the past 48 hours we require the child be kept home. If a child develops any of the above symptoms during care, we will separate the child and call the emergency contact for pick up.
Our primary goal is to redirect bad behavior. We never allow bullying, violent behavior, or disrespect. In these situations we do our best to redirect into another activity and separate the child from what was creating the problem. If something more serious happens, we sit the child down and have a minute to think about what we did and we encourage the child to apologize if they wronged another.
Outside Time
We spend a lot of time outside. We believe that fresh air and exercise is healthy for everyone. We play in our large backyard, we have a sandbox, lots of outside toys and we also encourage free play. If it is raining, send rainboots and a rain coat along with extra dry clothes and we will have fun in puddles. We limit too much outside time when heat is a big issue to avoid health risks but otherwise we play outside.
Vaccine Policy
Since SB 277 we are no longer allowed to accept unvaccinated children without a medical waiver.
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